Wednesday 25 May 2011

25 May 2011

It's a sad thing that so many children in this world are neglected. So many children are labelled early on, and sometimes they never really recover. Others are never given the opportunity to thrive. It might be due to a number of things, and it's not always someone's fault, but it happens.

We have two kids staying with us at the moment. A 9 year old girl and a 6 year old boy. While talking to them both over the last week we've come to learn they're situation at home has meant there isn't much opportunity for them to develop outside of school, and it's been a pretty hard life. We're glad to be able to help out in this tiny way, by at least giving them some stability.

After hearing he's in the lowest reading group at school, I sat down with the boy and he read about half of "Green Eggs and Ham". With the tiniest bit of help he was able to do it. It's frustrating to think that not all kids are able to be given that time they need. All it took was half an hour, and it made a difference. When I first said we were going to do some reading he told me he couldn't do it, but he got excited at each word he was able to read. It's amazing to see that.

Here's hoping we can really make a difference in their lives while they are with us. Sarah and I both have hearts for this sort of thing, and it's so rewarding =)

Today I'm thankful for: Seeing the two kids faces light up when we gave them the marbles and a few other little toys tonight =) Also, hearing from a grief counsellor today and being able to organise a time to meet.

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